The 6th Bomb Group


In General

At present, the resources include color photos, diaries and sumaries of flights logs.

Color Photos

Color photos were a rare find in WWII.  Fortunately, 1/Lt Percy U. Tucker (A/C, "Lady Annabelle", 40th Squadron) brought a color camera with him to Tinian and took several color pictures.  His daughter Terry Tucker Rhodes has been kind enough to copy and share them with us.

The Index also contains links to other color pictures of people, places and planes.

Photo provided by Terry Tucker Rhodes, daughter of 1/Lt Percy Tucker, all rights reserved

Index of Color Pictures


Many veterans kept diaries of their experiences during the War.  A few are attached.

Index of Diaries

Flight Crew Logs

Here is an index of flight logs for various crew members. This should give a sampling of the types of missions for a typical crew member.

Name Occupation Squadron Plane Name
2/Lt Joseph H. "Joe" Whitney Radarman 24th Primarily "Lovely Lois"
2/Lt Robert H. "Bob" Crowther Radarman 39th Various, including "Myas' Dragon"
