The 6th Bomb Group

#28 Trigger Mortis II


Thanks to John and Joan Potenza, children of John A. Potenza, (CFC); 1/Lt Robert H. Crowther (Radarman); David Johnson, son of 1/Lt Harry B. Johnson (Pilot) and Ed Pendergast, Tail Gunner ("Here's Lucky") for correcting the identity of the aircraft.

The Airplane

An interim paint scheme - with a black circle behind the pirate and an early form of the banner with the aircraft nickname.
Photo provided by John Potenza, all rights reserved

Trigger Mortis II was assigned to Capt Donald H. Frank.  He was joined by several members of the crew of the Feather Merchant, including John Potenza.  They named the plane "Trigger Mortis II".  It is possible that this plane is was originally Feather Merchant.

The revised paint scheme

The Feather Merchant

"Trigger Mortis II" may have been the aircraft ferried to Tinian by Crew #39??.

The crew of the Feather Merchant
Photo provided by 1/Lt Robert H. Crowther (Radarman).

The Air Crew

This airplane was assigned to Crew #3913 (originally assigned to "Trigger Mortis").  Other crews that flew this airplane included Crew #3918.